Through my lens
Here are some of my previous articles, I now write in my substack.
Open Letter to Feminists Online
Things get ugly, really quickly in the internet.
When we created The Feminist Shop, our main focus was to celebrate what we have in common rather than focus on our differences. And we stand by it. We can't insult each other on the name of feminism, we owe better to a movement that is about fairness.
Privilege, that scary word
What is privilege? Do I have it? Can I even give it up? We explore more what privilege is and how accepting it, and being responsible about it is something essential to move forward.
Eating disorders and feminism
I think it is fair to ask ourselves how we expect girls to not fall into that trap when we constantly praise them for their physical appearance. How can we expect them to believe us when we say that "what really matters is what's on the inside" when they are bombarded by unrealistic beauty expectations and surrounded by adults talking about dieting, calories and sizes?
Anti-racism and Feminism.
It is undeniable that there is a huge awakening in regards to racism, and hell yes for that. There still needs to be so much more but what's happening at the minute is definitely something powerful and overdue.
If there is something that we have all learnt during these last days, it's the importance of working on understanding our privilege, of shutting up and listening, doing the work. We have been reading, donating, signing petitions and following new people to get ourselves more educated. I am not saying this to specify that we are the good ones but to clarify that we thought we were the good ones, we thought we were doing ok, nice and respectful, and advocating for diversity and it has taken something like this to make us realise that there is so so much work to do and we are just not doing enough.